New Events

to Jun 1



Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus


Friday May 30, 6-8 pm Saturday May 31 & Sunday June 1, 1-4 pm

Church of the Holy Faith Church 311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM


Subject: Nunc Dimittis, Song of Simeon (Luke 2:29-32)


Students will learn to write the Greek Uncial calligraphy of the earliest centuries of the New Testament with decorative work an option.  Lettering will be done in Greek, Latin, English of Spanish.

No previous calligraphy experience is needed, students of all levels are welcome.

3 sessions - $ 120.00      materials $ 40.00 , includes papers, pen, inks, model and ductus, all tools needed to accomplish work

Minimum 6 students maximum 18


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to Jun 6


Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, Prosopon School of Iconology
affiliate instructor

Monday June 2 through Friday June 6, 2025  9 am-4pm

Church of the Holy Faith Church 311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM

Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by and the theory and methods are under the direction of master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the traditional Russian style Byzantine Icon painting using egg tempera based natural pigments and 23K gold leaf on gessoed wood panel   

SUBJECT:  San Jose (Saint Joseph) at the Presentation

No previous artistic experience is necessary for the icon workshop, all are welcome.                                                             

Tuition $500.00 (5 days), includes teacher transportation and tithe to church and larger school
Materials fee  $170.00, includes all needed- gessoed wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, mineral pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes there will be a credit given.

There is a minimum of 8 students needed to hold the workshop, maximum 15.  Please register promptly to hold your place. 

please email for registration information

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St. Helena, CA, Napa Valley icon workshop- I Am The Vine
to Aug 2

St. Helena, CA, Napa Valley icon workshop- I Am The Vine



Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, Prosopon School of Iconology
affiliate instructor

Grace Episcopal Church, Napa Valley, St Helena, California

Monday July 28 – Saturday August 2, 2025, a 6 day workshop

9 am – 4pm daily

Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by, and the theory and methods are under the direction of, master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the traditional Russian style Byzantine Icon painting using egg tempera based natural pigments and 23K gold leaf on gessoed wood panel.

No previous artistic experience is necessary, all are welcome.    .  Intermediate students will make the Icon with Cross.  Beginning students will make an Icon of the Head and Shoulders of Christ.                                                         

Tuition  $500.00 (6days), $100.00 teacher transportation and tithe to church and larger school
Materials fee: $ 200.00 for intermediate students Vine icon.  $170.00 for beginners making head and shoulders of Christ (smaller board is price difference), includes all needed- gessoed wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, mineral pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes and gold there will be a credit given.

Total for Intermediate /advanced $800.00    for beginners $ 770.00  

There is a minimum of 10 students needed to hold the workshop, maximum 15.  Please register promptly to hold your place. 

Questions please email    local coordinator:  Judith Caldwell 707-815-6192  

                                              teacher:     Susan vonMedicus       at

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Prosopon School Workshop Napa Valley California
to Aug 17

Prosopon School Workshop Napa Valley California

Subject: Guardian Angel

Instructor Susan Kelly-VonMedicus Level: Beginner

Location: Grace Episcopal Church, 1314 Spring St, St Helena, CA 94574

Schedule: Aug 12 - 17, 2024 9am - 4pm

Please join us for a Prosopon School of iconography and iconology workshop. This workshop is designed for beginner level students. Students will be working on a half figure Guardian Angel icon. The workshop will run for 6 days. Each morning students will be invited to join the intermediate and advanced level workshop given in the Newton Room on the Grace Church grounds during the same week for a talk on the subject of iconology given by Dmitri Andreyev (advanced and intermediate workshop instructor). The rest of the day students will be guided through the steps of the Prosopon School method of icon writing by the workshop instructor Susan Kelly-VonMedicus. Registration and Payment: The cost of the workshop is $750, which includes tuition and materials. Students are responsible for arranging their own lodging and meals

please email to request the full flyer and registration information

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ICON WORKSHOP St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe NM
to May 24

ICON WORKSHOP St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe NM

BYZANTINE ICON PAINTING WORKSHOP Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, Prosopon School of Iconology affiliate instructor

Monday May 20 through May 24, 2024  9 am-4pm

Church of the Holy Faith Church 311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM

Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by and the theory and methods are under the direction of master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the traditional Russian style Byzantine Icon painting using egg tempera based natural pigments and 23K gold leaf on gessoed wood panel   

SUBJECT:  St. Francis of Assisi with scroll for experienced students, head and shoulders for beginners

No previous artistic experience is necessary for the icon workshop, all are welcome.                                                             

Tuition $500.00 (5 days), includes teacher transportation and tithe to church and larger school
Materials fee  $170.00, includes all needed- gessoed wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, mineral pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes there will be a credit given.

There is a minimum of 8 students needed to hold the workshop, maximum 15.  Please register promptly to hold your place.  write to for registration form



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Late Gothic Filigree Manuscript Illumination
to May 19

Late Gothic Filigree Manuscript Illumination

  • Google Calendar ICS


Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus

Friday May 17, 6-8 pm Saturday & Sunday May 18, 19 1-4 pm 2024

Church of the Holy Faith Church 311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM

Design and make a Birth, Baptism or Mariage certificate in the style of the Spanish Hymnals of the 14th C 

3 sessions - $ 120.00      materials $ 40.00  

Minimum 6 students maximum 18

Please send registration with 50% deposit* ($80) – please include name and email and phone number. 

Susan Kelly vonMedicus   661 Church Road   Flourtown, PA  19031 or paypal at


see artwork at

*deposits non-refundable for student cancellation, if teacher cancels the workshop deposits will be refunded

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Prosopon School of Iconology
to Aug 18

Prosopon School of Iconology

Byzantine Icon Painting Workshop

Prosopon School of Iconology

Celebrating the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God

August 14- 19, 2023 9am -4pm daily

Hosted by Sandscrest Foundation Center
143 Sandscrest Rd, Wheeling, WV 26003

Students in this workshop will make an icon of the Mother of God,  Stela Maris (Star of the Sea).  Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by and the theory and methods are under the direction of master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the traditional Russian style Byzantine Icon painting using egg tempera based natural pigments and 23K gold leaf on gessoed wood panel.  No previous artistic experience is needed, all are welcome.

Tuition: $450.00 (6 days)

Materials fee:  $150.00    
all will be provided, gessoed wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, mineral pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes there will be a credit given.

Retreat residential fee: board and room $100.00
         arrival Sunday afternoon at 3pm- depart Saturday at 11 am

There is a minimum of 8 students needed to hold the workshop.  Please register promptly to hold your place. 

questions - See work by the instructor at

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Prosopon School of Iconology Icon Workshop - SANTA FE NM
to May 26

Prosopon School of Iconology Icon Workshop - SANTA FE NM


Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, Prosopon School of Iconology
affiliate instructor

Monday May 22 through May 26, 2023  9 am-4pm

The Church of the Holy Faith Church 311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501


Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by and the theory and methods are under the direction of master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the traditional Russian style Byzantine Icon painting using egg tempera based natural pigments and 23K gold leaf on gessoed wood panel   
Concentration in this workshop will be the face.  Students will make icons of The Mother of God and/or Christ and John the Baptist.  We will learn techniques for improving the presentation of the Holy Face with the subjects giving experience in aspects such as hair and beards, age, masculine, feminine, lines and highlighting.  Students will learn the techniques on paper of the faces not on their board.

No previous artistic experience is necessary for the icon workshop, all are welcome.                                                             

Tuition $400.00 (5 days)
Materials fee  $110.00    
all will be provided, gessoed arch-topped flat wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, mineral pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes there will be a credit given.
Workshop expenses share $40.00 for teacher transportation   

There is a minimum of 8 students needed to hold the workshop, maximum 15.  Please register promptly to hold your place.  for registration information please email




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Coptic Illuminated Manuscripts
to Dec 3

Coptic Illuminated Manuscripts

Illuminated Manuscripts in the Coptic style Workshop

Hosted by Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany 

330 S 13th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107

Saturdays November 5, 12, 19 and December 3, 2022   1-5 pm

A hands-on workshop, students will learn the script adapted to an English alphabet and the decorative devices used in early Ethiopian and Egyptian sacred manuscripts.  The theme will be wilderness, early monasticism of the desert.  The history and the practice will be taught using traditional materials. 

No previous artistic experience is necessary.

Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus.  To find out more about the teacher and her work please visit

This is an in-person course and can also be joined by zoom for distance learners

Class fee for 4 week series: $  200.00   plus Materials:  $ 45.00

To reserve a spot to: Please send $ 150.  Deposit*   - deadline October 22

Susan Kelly vonMedicus

661 Church Road

Flourtown, PA  19031 or paypal at

Remaining fees due first day of class

Minimum 8 students, maximum 16

Questions?  Email

The workshop will abide by any and all health measures established by the Church and the City of Philadelphia

*Deposits are non-refundable except in the case of teacher cancellation

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Prosopon School Icon Writing workshop SANTA FE NM
to May 28

Prosopon School Icon Writing workshop SANTA FE NM


Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, affiliate instructor

Prosopon School of Iconology

Monday May 23 through May 28, 2022  9 am-4pm

The Church of the Holy Faith    311 E Palace Ave, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Emphasis is placed on personal spiritual discipline and growth through a study of Christian Church teachings and principles as practiced in the making of icons. The Prosopon School is founded by and the principles and methods are under the direction of master iconographer Vladislav Andrejev.  Classes are taught in the theory and practice of traditional Byzantine Icon painting in the Russian style using egg tempera using traditional pigments and 23K gold leaf on natural gessoed wood panel.   
First time students will make the icon of Archangel Michael.   More experienced students will choose from other icons of angels – Guardian Angel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel.   No artistic experience is necessary for the icon workshop, all are welcome.                                                             

Tuition $425.00 (6 days)
Materials fee  $160.00    
*all will be provided, gessoed wood panel, 23K gold leaf, natural hair brushes, traditional pigments, egg tempera, study guides.  If advanced students have their own materials such as board and brushes there will be a credit given.
Workshop expenses share for teacher transportation $40.00

We will comply with all local municipality and Church Covid 19 restrictions and measures at the time of the workshop.

There is a minimum of 8 students needed to hold the workshop, maximum 15.   please email to request registration form


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Slavonic Style Calligraphy
to Mar 24

Slavonic Style Calligraphy

  • Google Calendar ICS




Dates: March 10, 17, 24,  2022  11am- 3pm EST

Cost: $ 180.00 *

Please join us to learn the practice of calligraphy and lettering in the Slavonic style English Alphabet (with a little Greek).  This artwork is a practice of Kallos Graphia – literally making words beautiful.  It is a satisfaction unto itself as well as an important skill to develop in your practice as an iconographer. Day One: Introduction to the form, pen and ink calligraphy in the Slavonic style English alphabet (majuscule)

Day Two: Monograms and inscriptions

Day Three: Designing and painting lettering for scroll and book         

 The course will require devoting some time to practice between sessions for maximum improvement. 

Minimum 10 students, maximum 20 students
Upon registration you will be sent zoom link and further workshop details

Materials list will be available through Paper and Ink Arts- link sent upon registration


Please register to participate sending name and contact information and date of workshop to

*fees payable to Susan vonMedicus at paypal account, a portion of the fees will be devoted to supporting the mission of the Prosopon School

Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus, professor of Calligraphy and Text-based Art and Printmaking at Villanova University and teacher of beginning students for the Prosopon School of Iconology
 to see artwork please go to

This course is designed for the specific interest and development of icon  students, other courses concentrating individually on manuscripts of the Greek Unicial (2nd C), Coptic (4th C), Celtic Insular (7th C), Gothic Hymnal (12th C), Whitevine Humanist (14th C) styles will be available in the future as in person retreats and also virtual on zoom.

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Illumination of the Late Middle Age - Filigree Versals
to Feb 26

Illumination of the Late Middle Age - Filigree Versals

IN PERSON AT GLENCAIRN MUSEUM, BRYN ATHYN, PA- hybrid with zoom for distance learners


Filigree Versals with Humanist script

Based on the 15th C Spanish Hymnal in the Glencairn Museum Library

Taught by Susan Kelly vonMedicus  for more about

This is an in-person course. It could also be joined by zoom for distance learning students

A hands-on workshop in the studio at Glencairn Museum 1001 Cathedral Drive in Bryn Athyn, PA

Make a page with a favorite hymn, a birth or baptism announcement, you will design a project.  Learn the Humanist script and the Filigree style of late medieval manuscript illumination.

Saturdays  February 5, 12, 19, 26,  2022          12:30- 4:30 pm EST

Class fee for 4 week series: $  200.00

Materials:  $ 45.00 (if students wish to use true animal vellum add an additional $50)

to register please email

We will comply with all local municipality and Museum Covid 19 restrictions and measures at the time of the workshop.

Minimum 5 students, maximum 10
deposits are non-refundable except in the case of teacher cancellation due to low enrollment

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